Taxidermy In Progress

Deer Mannequin

Fleshing Fox Machine
Fox skin on the fleshing machine. Thinning hide down for less shrinkage when skin dries

Fleshing Turkey
Tanning Hides
Turning hide into leather involves a process which permanently alters the protein structure of skin, making it more pliable for household use, coloring skins is also available. Before tanning, all skins are salt dried until stiff for shipping for garment tans. We also offer in house tanning. However most customers choose commercially because local taxidermist dont have the commercial tumblers to get it soft enough.Taxidermy is the art of moving skin. We preserve all your trophy wild game.Jordan Lake taxidermy tans there hides in shop that will be mounted. NO borax or dry preservative used on our customers skins. Great taxidermist watches every animal dry. Paying close attention to movement in the hides as it dries adjusting daily. No pins clips needed. Jordan Lake Taxidermy mounts waterfowl to whitetail deer.All wild game must have wildlife tags.We also do european mounts with beetles.

Waterfowl Ducks

Shoulder Mounts

7606 NC HWY 751 Durham NC 27713